Even if no one seems to read my blogs it does not really matter since I am confident that at least some one keeps the score. I am really glad to say that I have finally found Jesus. Not in the church fortunately, but in my heart. Though I am sorry to say that a lot of people who claims to follow Him does poorly to show it and that is a real shame because they do not know what they are missing.
The Bible is not infallible but it contains a lot of old wise words like "do on to others as you want them to do on to you" or "one can not love God if one loves money, one can not serve two different lords at the same time".
These words of wisdom are ancient but still just as true today.
Especially when it comes to the description of the greatest evils conceived by mankind.
Greed is one of them. It is a plague that haunts us even in these "civilized" and "enlightened" times. It makes everything come down to cold numbers calculated by even colder hearts.
A heart that pledges allegiance to money has no room for love.
Pride is another. A lot of people, especially in present, western society, think that they are the centre of the universe. They only see themself as important and love no one else, but no one in that position can truly love themself.
Lust is not equally bad but still dangerous when exaggerated. The human existence is not made for watching hours of TV, stuffing itself with fastfood or sitting at the computer in the amount that we do. It gives rise to many physical illnesses and even more mental ones.
Envy is one of the most unhealthy things we can spend our time on. It contributes to nothing but to divide people and make them crave for more when we ought to be sharing whatever we have amongst us since this planet is the home of all of us.
Overdoing things always has a tendency to derail. This planet will soon run out of all its resources if we western people keep up our way of life and since we always have a tendency to work it out by violence we are making way for the mother of all wars.
The only thing that can never be overdone is to love with our hearts, it is never negative in any way.
Indifference is closely linked with greed and is equally bad. To many people today do to little to protect other people from harm unless they receive personal gain by doing it.
This has to stop before it is to late and feelings are no more.
Our senses is a gift that should not be taken for granted because that is when they start do decline. Life is precious and must be preserved in all its magnitude and magnificence.
Anger, this feeling is however negative and should be eradicated if possible. NOT SUPPRESSED because then it will only give rise to mental and/or physical illness, instead it should be resolved.
If there is a reason to it, which there always is, then the reason should be dealt with.
This is the majour wrong with today's psychology, they can never subdue people's anger and hatred against this world with drugs or therapy in an effective and sustainable way because it is this unjust system that creates it.
People today, I think, are mainly angered by their lack of power, they feel helpless against the evils that governments and corporations force upon them and they want a way to deal with them. This is also the reason, I think, to why political movements with scapegoat agendaes succeeds so good at taking power by telling the people what they want to hear in times when social standards and moral are low.
I know that I am not in the position to tell people what to do or not to do but I still like to believe that I am trying as hard as human possible to do my best at making a difference.
To many people just don't care and I can feel nothing else but pity for them. I am not infallible, I'm not even one of them who never commits one of these sins but I still try to keep my heart pure and my spirit strong because I know that we are meant for something better.
I refuse to accept that our society can evolve no more because I have faith in the future, that it will be a place where everyone, regardless of race, gender or social status can live in peace with eachother, nature and God and be able to thrive. I also hope that whoever reads this believes in that too so that there can be more of us.