Personal Alsters

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Folk med ideologitänk har ofta en inre konversation varje gång de häver ur sig ännu
en floskel som deras doktrin präntat in i dem, de känner att de är goda
eller vad de nu kallar sig.
De har format en intellektuell belöningsprocedur där allt hyllande av rörelsen,
dess ideér, dess ledare och dess terminologi har blivit ett sätt att hävda
deras egna individ. De känner en inre styrka stödd i ett vältrande, ja en masturbation
till och med av det falska egot sprunget ur dessa doktriner.
Dessa tankegångar vill låsa fast sig, de säger
sig ofta vilja hålla en rak kurs, ha ordning och reda och vad för ursäkter de än
kan tänkas ha på lut. Jag håller med, de har en rak kurs, den pekar käpprätt åt helvetet
bara. Ett intellektuellt helvete där man inte tillåts yttra en avvikande tanke
eftersom de härskande förhärskas av en mental tvångströja som inte ens låter dem
tänka en kättersk tanke varvid varje uppkomst av en sådan annihileras av doktrinen.
Ett orwellianskt helvete.
Så eftersom dessa människor finns i varje rörelse och hyllar varje ideologi,
så borde alla de självprogrammerande människorna med en insikt om sin
ideologi, vad de föredrar i dem och vad de inte håller med om i dem vara motgiftet.
Kättaren kommer alltid vara lösningen på kulturell stagnation.

De människor vars egna bild av friheten blivit ersatt av masspropaganda är de mest ofria
eftersom de då inte kan se sina fiender, deras mål eller ens sina egna.
Detta låter ju högst konspiratoriskt och många undrar säkert i sann västerländsk anda; Vem kan vilja ta ifrån oss våra rättigheter, med vilka mål och hur kan man i sin vildaste fantasi tro
att de ska lyckas?
Min åsikt är att de redan lyckats, vi har bara inte insett det än p.g.a. att vi inte fått höra
det. Vi får inte höra om privat ägande över tryckandet av valutan i flertalet av världens mest
inflytelserika ekonomier och militära makter och således inte heller om manipulationen av fria
val under inflationens ok. Vi måste som Jesus säger söka sanningen själva för att finna den.
Vi måste börja rota där vi fått höra att endast galenskap finns att finna för världen är själv
fast i allmänt accepterad och sålunda friskförklarad galenskap.
Vi måste göra ett gott arbete i att statuera frihetens exempel genom att ständigt kritisera,
aldrig fastna på en förklaring och hålla den över all kritik för den kommer således bli vår
mentala tvångströja. Ständigt föra dialog med varandra och oss själva för att ständigt utvecklas
är kriteriet för den nya tänkande människan som skall kunna överleva dogmatikens tidevarv.

Monday, October 29, 2007

It is time to take the phrase "moral" back from the split tongues of the conservatives.
To long have they poisoned the rational mind with their doublesided agenda of one part corporate puppets and one part twisted dogmatic passages in books that state that the central theme is love and forgiveness. The prolongation of their political, social and economic scheme is
Big Brother in a nutshell. The institutions that seems to be preaching the word of truth and gospel the most is truly the scriptural beast in a lambs clothing. The false market prophets come together with the cold calculators of science and economy to explain where we come from and what binds us together, money. But how come they can use the words of love centered religions in their tactics? History explains how political power has been abusing most religions like e.g. Christianity through state churches like the very first Roman one. As Christianity was legalized in the fourth century in the Roman Empire it didn't take long until it became the only legal church which was in 380 AD by Emperor Theodosius I. Prior to this in 325 was the First Council of Nicaea which stated the doctrine of the church.

Correct me if I am wrong but does not Christianity want to give man a choice to accept God or not? There are other quotations that warns against an institution like this, like the Book of Daniel who speaks of the last empire of the earth that will be a vile and global one, trampling the others down making people rootless. As do the Roman Catholic church, claiming all other faiths to be blasphemous works of the Devil. Still both religious, political and economic leaders of today have been claimed to belong to an international, satanistic, zionistic(?) and imperalistic cult known to some as Illuminati, other as Bohemian Grove or simply the eye on top of the pyramid on the dollar bill watching and controlling the currency since it is the unelected ruler of this system. Money is the fake idol of worship and the moneyhandlers are its priests. They easily abuse whoever is striving for it and there are few who is not.

"Money is not evil, it is the love for money that is evil." - Jesus Christ, Thelogic Revolutionary

Monday, January 15, 2007

This seems a bit pointless to keep up but every time I write here it kind of clears my mind so I keep on going anyway.

Faith is kind of funny is it not?
Some say that God saves if you believe in Him but are they not really saying that it is faith that saves you in that very same sentence?
Faith saves, that much I can tell for as sure as I can be.
But does all faith save? And what does it save you from?
Does faith in money save you from ever becoming poor?
Does faith in ambition save you from ever becoming inactive?

Perhaps not. Well, does faith in life keep you from ever dying?
I can not know, I guess that death is just another adventure even greater than life.
Death is also a part of life, an other part that is just as necessary as being born since we all live in the great circle of life.
Oh, how hippie I am starting to sound like, but am I wrong? Only time will tell.

Argh, all the clichées, must... say... something... original...
How about a cheese sandwich? They taste great if you melt the cheese, nutritious (if you are a baby) and delicious at the same time, can you beat that?

Nevermind that.

Now for something completely different, and more mindboggling (but not as delicious):

The Sun is an amazing thing. Even the old greek Thales recognized that in a way when he claimed water to be the original matter that created everything.
Why? Because water is mainly made of hydrogen of course and hydrogen take up 90% of all visible matter in the Universe. Hydrogen is what stars are made of, it is stardust.
When hydrogen is compressed at high pressure and incredible temperatures (millions of centigrades) a chain reaction starts that we call fusion.
This fusion (which is the opposite of the fission we see in atomic bombs and nuclear power plants) binds protons, in the center of the hydrogen atoms, together into larger nucleis.
These doubleprotoned nucleis then form helium at the same time as they throw away a lot of excess neutrons at high speeds (some forming neutrinos that hits Earth at near-lightspeed) which creates heat that helps to sustain the reaction. The heat then of course, causes electrons to excite and deexcite sending of photons in a wide spectrum of light to which only a small fragment is visible to our naked eye.

This majestic reaction is what fuels every change we can witness on Earth. It vaporizes the oceans so that it can rain. It feeds plants so that we can feed. It creates vitamines in our skin so that we can live sufficiently. It keeps the planet warm so that we do not freeze to death on a dark snowball.
Most important of all is that it created Earth, through fusion it created heavier and heavier particles and eventually threw them off, layer by layer. This "offspring" cooled down much later and formed the planets of our solarsystem.
Life owes alot to that glowing ball far away.
And this should be taken into account everyday.
It may sound off but we should welcome every new day it dawns upon us to grant us more life.
We should greet the Sun.


What has faith got anything to do with the Sun?

Sun created Earth, then life, then plants, then animals, then man. Man "invented" faith?

I guess, but it is a little farfetched.

End of discussion.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Even if no one seems to read my blogs it does not really matter since I am confident that at least some one keeps the score. I am really glad to say that I have finally found Jesus. Not in the church fortunately, but in my heart. Though I am sorry to say that a lot of people who claims to follow Him does poorly to show it and that is a real shame because they do not know what they are missing.

The Bible is not infallible but it contains a lot of old wise words like "do on to others as you want them to do on to you" or "one can not love God if one loves money, one can not serve two different lords at the same time".
These words of wisdom are ancient but still just as true today.
Especially when it comes to the description of the greatest evils conceived by mankind.

Greed is one of them. It is a plague that haunts us even in these "civilized" and "enlightened" times. It makes everything come down to cold numbers calculated by even colder hearts.
A heart that pledges allegiance to money has no room for love.

Pride is another. A lot of people, especially in present, western society, think that they are the centre of the universe. They only see themself as important and love no one else, but no one in that position can truly love themself.

Lust is not equally bad but still dangerous when exaggerated. The human existence is not made for watching hours of TV, stuffing itself with fastfood or sitting at the computer in the amount that we do. It gives rise to many physical illnesses and even more mental ones.

Envy is one of the most unhealthy things we can spend our time on. It contributes to nothing but to divide people and make them crave for more when we ought to be sharing whatever we have amongst us since this planet is the home of all of us.

Overdoing things always has a tendency to derail. This planet will soon run out of all its resources if we western people keep up our way of life and since we always have a tendency to work it out by violence we are making way for the mother of all wars.
The only thing that can never be overdone is to love with our hearts, it is never negative in any way.

Indifference is closely linked with greed and is equally bad. To many people today do to little to protect other people from harm unless they receive personal gain by doing it.
This has to stop before it is to late and feelings are no more.
Our senses is a gift that should not be taken for granted because that is when they start do decline. Life is precious and must be preserved in all its magnitude and magnificence.

Anger, this feeling is however negative and should be eradicated if possible. NOT SUPPRESSED because then it will only give rise to mental and/or physical illness, instead it should be resolved.
If there is a reason to it, which there always is, then the reason should be dealt with.
This is the majour wrong with today's psychology, they can never subdue people's anger and hatred against this world with drugs or therapy in an effective and sustainable way because it is this unjust system that creates it.
People today, I think, are mainly angered by their lack of power, they feel helpless against the evils that governments and corporations force upon them and they want a way to deal with them. This is also the reason, I think, to why political movements with scapegoat agendaes succeeds so good at taking power by telling the people what they want to hear in times when social standards and moral are low.

I know that I am not in the position to tell people what to do or not to do but I still like to believe that I am trying as hard as human possible to do my best at making a difference.
To many people just don't care and I can feel nothing else but pity for them. I am not infallible, I'm not even one of them who never commits one of these sins but I still try to keep my heart pure and my spirit strong because I know that we are meant for something better.
I refuse to accept that our society can evolve no more because I have faith in the future, that it will be a place where everyone, regardless of race, gender or social status can live in peace with eachother, nature and God and be able to thrive. I also hope that whoever reads this believes in that too so that there can be more of us.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

This posting is about my views on leadership and its effect on Mankind.

It came to me when I tried to define the old "socialistic" countries and assess their amount of freedom that they were no juster than the "free" world we live in.
They were still basing all of their power in the hand of an "enlightened" elite that ruled by conquering, shattering and dictating over their people.
They were still waging an everlasting war with their population, and I say everlasting since there can never be Peace when there is no Justice, and there can be no Justice as long as there are leaders.

Why? Leaders can never do what is right, they lack the knowledge of what the people want for the simple reason that they are not a part of the people, they are the elite.
They rule over the reality that is ours and only ours to experience, they do not get affected if they choose to illegalize a drug or a certain behaviour, they know they won't because otherwise they would not have illegalized it, it is pure and simple benefit.
Neither would the elite be affected if they chose to unemploy people because of "lack of activity", the elite always survives. They survive through the work of our hands.

The elite needs us, we do not need them.

The politicians need you to vote for them, you do not need them because you are a human being and can make your own decisions.

The boss needs you to make money for him, you do not need him since you do all the work.

The preachermen and clerks needs you to believe in them, you do not need them to see God or the right path since you are human.

The generals needs you, you do not need them since war only kills you and your brethren and not them.

Without us the meaning of being elite would have lost its point, there would be no one to rule.

And the reason above all to why people can't see this is the oldest trick in the book:
Divide and conquer.

If we, the people, can not organize, if we are not supported by eachother and resist the leader's orders then there will be no way that anyone else dares to resist them because then everyone thinks that there is no resistance, that it is everyones will to follow their leader.
And the leaders know this, that is why they try so hard to create social barriers between you and your brethren because if you can not communicate you can not support, if you can not support you can not organize, if you can not organize you can not resist.

Racism, apartheid, imperialism, sexism, homophobia, nationalism, etc. All of these are derived from and aiding in the sustainment of the injustice we live in. If those who are oppressed are divided they can be controlled and oppressed with so much more ease.
Leaders fear socialism and anarchism above all because these movements advoce unity between the oppressed.
History teaches us a great and valuable lesson:

A people that is united can NEVER be defeated.

Take Vietnam as an example, the war lasted for almost twenty years with varying enemies but the people's resistance never ended and that resistance won the war.

The simple reason to this is, as I said earlier, they need us but we do not need them.
When the people is united and aiding or joining the resistance the oppressors can not eradicate the whole people since they will no longer be elite and staying elite is what their war is about.
Instead they focus all their power on scaring the people to obedience, torturing those who resist and statuate example by showing it in open.
This is the reason to why hangings and executions are still open for public display, even if it has lessened to some extent.
Through torture they might stop the resistor in resisting, but pain is not nearly as effective in making people obedient as fear is, this is why news always focus on possibly catastrophic events in your vicinity or perhaps even across the globe as long as it either make people think about other matters or scare people to listen to their leaders.

The war on terrorism is an excellent example, Fox News Network among others are extremely skilled in displaying human suffering to make people angry and scared of the terrorist image.
And they are at the same time extremely skilled in making leaders appear as the obvious saviours from terrorism and other plagues that haunts the people.
Through this toying with contrasts and opposites they make a picture of society in people's minds that make terrorists the bad guys and the leaders the good guys.

And who are the terrorists according to media?
The Islamists, the dark men in the long beards and weird hats.
There was once another guy in history that went about to become a "great" leader using the same tactics, his name was Adolph Hitler and by using this kind of prejudice known today as racism he painted a picture of society being a struggle between Jews and Aryans. He used the contrasts between him and his only adversaries, the Communists, which he accused for setting the parliament on fire, to win the election and forbid all other parties but the Nazi party.
Hitler was said to be a "strong" man that could lead Germany out of poverty and depression and defend it from the Jews and the Communists but I think we all know how that ended.

These kind of happenings are so common that one has to wonder; Are they staged?
Faked by the leaders to strengthen their power?

Hey, they might be but that is not what I set out to investigate or describe so I'll leave those speculations to you, just hope I gave you some food for thought.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Through the course of our daily lives we often stumble over incidents and happenings that to us seem totally random.
But is there really anything that can be labelled "random"?

Does not everything that happen happen for a reason?

Does not all effect have cause?
And is not all cause an effect itself caused by something else?

These and many other questions ultimately leads to the question: Does fate exist?

For me there is no doubt, everything happens for a reason, everything has meaning and fate is a power to be reckoned with.

Believing in fate is kind of like believing in God, it is to believe that everything serves a higher purpose even if it is not visible to us.

And it is a mathematical issue as well, as long as you have the right amount of knowledge. To explain this I refer to what is known as the reduction theory:

All psychology is based on biology.
All biology is chemistry.
All chemistry follows the laws of physics.
All physics can be explained through the field of mathematics.
And finally, the field of mathematics is logical.
Hence, according to the reduction theory, all psychology is logical.

This may seem frightening to believe for some people but as long as you do not derive moral judgement out of this theory, which I see as impossible, I do not see the problem. Others refrain to the unnecessary chain of thought which for them leads to feelings of futility in living life if it is just pure logic and numbers. But I see it as an asset, a mean of seeing the world for what it really is, a miracle.

Through these omnipresent mathematical equations Cosmos sustains its Balance, Form and Development.

Take 1.618 for example, this number forms the way galaxies move as well as how seashells are shaped. If you take a normal proportioned human body and measure it from head to toe, divide that figure with the length from the pelvis to the toes you get the same figure. This extraordinary figure together with other magical numbers show one thing: Cosmos is symmetrical and coherent. Personally I would like to think that it also gives us a glimpse of a Creator that has conured a master plan, but that's just me.

Do not take me wrong on this one though, I am not religious since I do not confess myself to any Church, Saviour or similar beings of "divinity". I am just being logical and trying to be spiritual.

Neither do I believe that God can be prayed to with effect since It has already formed the Grand Plan. We humans are just a small aspect of Its majestic thought. But we as a species has the potential of reaching and revealing Its Grand Plan through logic and the field of mathematics.

Cosmos is like a picture. We just do not, yet, have large enough frames to see it all, that is what holds us back. We can only see that picture in four dimensions but in the end it is all the same, it does not matter which way time goes because we have already done what we are supposed to do, our only excuse for being here is to find out more, to widen our frame.

Our goal, together with other intelligent Life that Cosmos has brought about through its inevitable existence, is to become God. To transcend space and time, reach out of Cosmos and make our frames unlimited. We will be able to do this by the means of technology and/or spirituality that takes us to new levels of awareness. Cosmos itself is a paradox, it exists to create Life because Life itself will recreate Cosmos. Existence is an eternal cycle, a circle.

P.S. The above was written before I came to truly believe in divinity, healing light and other spiritual matters. Even though the above could be true there are things unsolved and unseen by us humans.

Technology is great, when in use for the right purpose. The right purpose being generally sustaining human existence of course.
But technology can be a bitch when it just exists to either make someone rich or to make people unemployed, which is a result from making other people rich.
Of course it is good when a stage in production where people previously had to waste a lot of energy and wear out their bodies is now replaced by machines but not if it is on expense of people's jobs. If this automatisation continues and there finally won't be any working humans, who will consume what is produced? Market based economy is in this aspect flawed because it will bring about a new depression when all workers are machines and robots.
Once again I say that it is Balance that is required, Balance between Man and Machine, between market based and planned economy.
I'm talking about doing what is right for us and this planet so that noone is left out.

What if we used the advances on the technological areas to decrease workers labouring hours instead of sacking some of them while the rest must work harder?
I do not know but my guess is that it is once again to uphold the fear.
Workers who know that their boss is keen on unemploying those of his employees that are "sloppy", "cocky" and questioning their way of life, often devouts their time at work to do their boss' biding so that they do not lose their work.
If, at the same time, there are thousands of unemployed people keen on wanting to replace these sacked workers the workers often feel that there is no use in resisting what is "to be done".
Therefore a high unemployment rate in society aids the owners of the means of productions and enables them to increase the workload on their employees at the same time as they decrease their wage becuase their employees know that if they resist they will immediately be replaced.
The owning class refers to this as "supply and demand".
If supply of labour is plenty and the demand is low wages will decrease and vice versa.

And what controls supply and demand?
The market. Through our collective strive for happiness the owning class makes money.
They say: It is a free transaction and you can deny it if you want.
But since nearly all employments work like this and we need employment to "purchase" happiness we let ourself get paid less than we really deserve. And this difference between our "real" wage and their wage is the money that pays them. It is called by the owners as "gain", it is that gain that makes enterprising lucrative.

How does this gain arise?
When you and your collegues work you are paid a wage, this is a investment for your company's owner/owners as well as paying for resources and tools.
Let us say you produce chairs. The partial wage of every chair you make is 1 dollar, and the resources needed for that chair also cost 1 dollar together with the slight damage on the tools that costs 1 dollar.
These figures are of course hypothetical but they are sufficient in explaining how the WAGE SYSTEM work.
Combining your labour with resources and tools the gathered investment per chair comes to 3 dollars. But when the chair is sold the owners take 4 dollars for it, or more.
That difference is what creates the gain.

And who buys those chairs?
If not you directly then it is in the majority of the cases some other person that shares the same social status as you, another worker.
And considering that all enterprising with private and non-labouring management work after the same principals there can only be one conclusion;
The wealthy grows wealthier while the poor grows poorer.

However, when workers come to this insight, this consciousness, the pyramide of production always starts to sway.
And no wonder, the pyramide of production is flawed and unfair.
This is where classtruggle comes into the picture, classtruggle, no matter of the leading of it, is always spontaneous.
When the conditions of production deteriorate to the workers disadvantage workers always protest, no matter what kind of regime their company or country has.
Why? I say it is because they are defending their dignity as humans.
The strike is a way to say: No! We won't budge!

Sadly, strikes has never led to any majour reorganization of the pyramide.
Instead they have just led to ways of prolonging its role in human civilization.
Strikes today are never about wanting to reorganize it either, they are just shortsighted solutions to enhance the workers current conditions in the pyramide.
Strikes are still thinking inside of the pyramide when their true source lies outside of it in the hope of a fundamentally different and better tomorrow.
And that tomorrow will never be achieved by simply striking as a small minority of the gathered working class.
The only possible strike is the GENERAL STRIKE, the global strike that includes all workers, or at least a majority.
Only then will our voices be heard because the loss for the owners will be astronomical.
Until then there are much better ways to show your antipathy for this system.

Resistance, just resisting to work on worktime.
Organize all your collegues so that noone gets blamed or noone does more than anyone else.
If you all are on time, pretend to do as you are told and work when you are in sight of the boss but does not do shit until he gets back or you go home you will still be paid a salary but your employers won't make any gain and the boss will go insane.
This is much more effective than a strike and can go on for much longer.

If you are working within distribution you can either add to your salary as an individual by stealing from the cash register. Or organize you comrades and stop taking charge all together or just take charge and put it in your own pockets.
This seems as unjust, but what about not working for money, how unjust is that?

We as workers has all these rights simply because we do all the work around here.
The power is already ours, we just got to learn how to deal with it.

Finally we as a collective have to start speculating: What is the true goal of every strike and every other conflict between classes in history? Why do people challenge the power?

My guess?
They want influence, it has always been about influence.
Workers strike because they want their voices to be heard.
People protest for the same reason.
I.e. all strife continues until all voices are heard and respected, until we all have the potential of deciding for ourself, until the world truly practices democracy.

Friday, June 16, 2006

The need for a more humane and ecological approach to problems in our world is of no greater neccessity than now. The world is standing on the brink of destroying itself with us in it and still we have not come up with a solution.
Either we let our emotions get out of hand and wage war based on hatred for our enemies, excused with love for our homeland.
Or we coldly calculate and let logic guide us into "modern" warfare where we wage war for pure benefits.
We need to find the Balance, the perfect coexistence of logic and emotion so that we all, brothers and sisters of Earth, can thrive in peace with ourself and Nature.
The violence and indifference that tears down this society also tears down ourself, it makes us feel that we are born into a world that we are not a part of.
We need to find out exactly where it went wrong and the priorities went haywire, when did wealth become our God and God a figmented imagination?
Since we cant go back in time to readjust our mistakes we just have to use the insight to our present advantage, i.e. to learn from our mistakes.

And time is of the essence since we do not know how long humanity or Earth has left in this wonderful Creation we have been truly blessed with.
How could we ever think that all of this, this magnitude of magnificence, was ever ours to sell?
It is not ours, only what we make of it through the work of our hands and minds is ours to dispose of, but when we have disposed of it is once again property of the Earth, the property of all the unique entities that inhibit this beautiful sphere in the vast darkness of Cosmos.

Cosmos is all about Balance, everywhere nature itself has come up with a way to create equilibrity so that the scale does not tip over to any side. We who indeed are a product of Cosmos are however breaking the Balance and every day we tip yet another scale resulting in extinction of other species, ecological disasters and human suffering, all in vain.
We will have no use of our ability to create (or destroy) or of this planet's assets if we keep up this way of life, change is a neccessity as I've already said.
We have got to relearn alot about the Earth that through generations has gone lost to be able to live of it like humanity of the old days did.
Im not talking about reinstating feudalism or a preindustrial way of production but a more natural way to treat Nature.
To be able to feed our whole population we will need a repatriation of the Earth so that more people can live of the seeds of the land and make us less dependant of technology.
In case of a global disaster the knowledge of how to start over will be crucial to the future survival of Mankind.

The industry and technology we possess is also an issue that has got to be dealt with.
Today it is wealth, technical and economic proggress that is the goal of development, humans are just means.
This pyramid of production must be toppled and reversed.
The Human must be on top of things so that all our means of reproducing our species and living our lives serves us, social, ecological and antropophilical proggress must be of higher priority than our means of existence which is just to preserve something that does not develop.
Or else it all becomes a big meaningless circle leading to, once again, an alienation for our world and isolation from our fellow human beings.

Below I have some poems that I have written in this particular issue and which I now gladly share with you, my brethren.

We have got to learn how to love each other
so that we can give more to one an other.
Not tempt to poison or destroy our brother
becuse we are all descendants from the same mother,
treat your sister fair
and you too will receive care
from those who speak instead of fighting.
The day of this happening
will come from the sky like lightning.

So look to the sky,
from there One sees all
but dont be shy
if you from your brethren receive call
for help since the world needs you to act
there is a reason; no one is exact.
The only way forward in relative safety
is through processes that celebrates diversity
where people help each other out of mental poverty
and make everything everyone's property.
See now, through the holy Trinity,
that this is our kind's destiny.

And when all this, this long struggle is over?
Do not be afraid, all will in real sense be sober
in their being of spirituality
about what is important or not
so that the everlasting unity
the world achieved will not be forgot.
It wont be the end of the world of our receiving,
not reality's stop in our ways to define
but a new way of percieving
waiting down the line.

It began when the universe was young
but wont stop until the sound of conflicts has sung.
Until all strife is brought to a halt
by this gathered will, these creators,
if the system is the soil we are the salt
and our wills are formed by our dictators.
Those who are worthy has the clearence
which opens the door
that leads to control of providence
and an infinity more.

Where are those that defend these rights I defined?
You can see them mistreated and confined.
If society is a stairwell
they are on the floor
looking at you from a living hell
but still trying do more
to improve their situation than we,
some of them even sings the Internationale.
Instead of just watching
help your brethren to a better tomorrow,
start an organizing
instead of being shallow.
Open your eyes and discover the world for what it is
a place where the righteous is punished and the wicked receives bliss.
The neccessity is a change, almost a revolution
that can clear all this spiritual pollution
which twists our mind and heart
and makes angry Swedes yell: Snart!

But the worst possible result
of our way of life is yet to come,
war and annihilation is a cult
that can be ended as easy like chewing gum.
It needs insight and unity
all other attempts will be a futility.
Peace can not be brought by war,
neither can unity or insight.
Peace flows naturally from the inside of our material avatar
and can overcome by you standing up for what's right.
Just listen to the voices that complain
to know what shouldn't be done in vain.
Help those who are said not to belong
in a society where the priorities has gone wrong.
Our solution is spelled respect,
learn it and help us to protect
our independence
against those who profit
so that our governments
gives us their forfeit.
This cause is our task because when in practice
the world would have found the only way to justice.

When my brethren ask how
I ask why the system works and what should be done.
I say to my brethren let us act now
and get those who rule on the run
from the power of the people cause
the power of the people wont stop,
for the people is us
and we must the bubble of ignorance pop.