Personal Alsters

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Since this is the first posting im doing on this blogg I would like to introduce myself.
Im kind of a regular guy who enjoys life, profound discussions, cold beer, people, music, a spliff and democracy.
And since I like democracy that much I have written a manifesto for more influence from democracy on society as a whole.

The more elaborate part of this manifesto will be in Swedish, my native language, but I will go into more detailed description of certain methods and functions in English later to widen my aduience.

Folket är högsta beslutande instans, genom voteringar över bästa möjliga medium utövar folket all makt över samhällsbesluten.
Majoritetsval och rätt till anonymitet.
Rösträtt åt alla.
Alla har rätt till utlysning av nya beslut.

Förslag på kommunikation:
Telefonkontakt med delegat eller röstövervakare.
Privat Internetuppkoppling*
Offentlig Internetuppkoppling*

*Utdelning av säkra e-legitimationer sker vid uppvisning av fysisk legitimation hos tillförordnade instanser.

För att hålla sig själva informerade om viktiga beslut väljer folket ut representanter från sina arbetsplatser till en proportionerlig samling med halvtidsarbetande rådgivare som kan återkallas när som helst.
Yrkesriksdagen kontrollerar även att voteringen går rätt till och verkställs, genom att ha lika många protagonister som antagonister i kontrollen kan fusk förhindras.
Medlemmar i yrkesriksdagen får endast lön som kompensation för förlorad arbetstid.
Liknande instanser finns även på lokal och regional nivå.

Förslag på snabb organisering av yrkesriksdagen är att ersätta den nuvarande riksdagen med de fackliga organisationerna.

Öppen systemkritik:
En annan samling där vilka som helst kan delta och diskutera brister som de anser sig utsatta för i samhället, de diskuterar med yrkesriksdagen och folket fattar utifrån dialogen ett eller flera beslut.
Underlättad informationsfrihet och tryckfrihet för medborgarna via större tillgång till media och ett upphävande av rådande upphovs- och patenträttslagar.

Vem som helst får delegera beslut i vilket beslut eller beslutsområde som helst till vem som helst, den delegerade får då lägga en röst extra i utpekat beslut eller beslutsområde för varje delegation.
Delegationen får återkallas när som helst.
Eventuella stoppmekanismer mot delegationer till enskilda röstare från fler än en majoritet av de röstberättigade inom beslut eller beslutsområden, att värna om demokratin.

Alla demokratiskt avgjorda geografiska avgränsningar skall inom konfederationen ha autonom demokrati.
De samarbetar endast frivilligt genom den konfederala kapitalreserven.
Den konfederala kassan ägs gemensamt av medlemmarna i konfederationen och bidrag från den måste godkännas av ett flertal, betalningen för medlemskapet bestäms även den av medlemmarna.
Vidare nedåt är det likadant med landsting och kommun där kommunerna bestämmer gemensamt över landstingets kassa.
Medborgarna styr gemensamt över kommunen som består i kommunens alla medlemsföreningar inom fritidsintressen samt produktionsenheter och koordinerar tillsammans deras insatser och budget.
All privat egendom av produktions-, transport-, vålds-, distributions- och informationsmedel upphävs och kommuniseras.
Praktiserande av demokratisk marknadsekonomi och penningsväsende tills samtliga klasser och stater har upplösts och ersatts av konfederationen då en eventuell gåvoekonomi kan uppstå.

Ekonomiskt, politiskt, fackligt, socialt och militärt bistånd samt handel till och med liknande avgränsade system.
Försök till att skapa gemensamma beslutsområden för att skapa mänsklig gemenskap, utökande av konfederationen i förlängningen.

Konfederativ upphandling av privat ägda produktionsmedel.
Demokratiserande av politiskt självständiga geografiska zoner och utökning av självständigheten genom initierandet av folkomröstningar samt andra opinionsundersökningar.
Vid demokratisk kontroll över hälften av en nations produktions- och distributionsmedel kan generalstrejk och massbojkott vara tänkbara strategier för att demokratisera statsapparaten.
Om nödgat, väpnat försvar av demokratiserad egendom samt massmöten, strejker och demonstrationer.
Vid demokratiserande av persondiktaturer över stater och andra våldsmakter bör kuppande användas för minimal blodspillan, i värsta fall fysisk elimination eller forcerad kontroll av eller över de drivande krafterna, då helst kapital och egendom för att förhindra överdrivna hämndaktioner och framtida motstånd.
Eventuella väpnade motstånd inom diktatoriska stater, mot invasionsmakter samt mot andra maktutövande minoriteter bör stödjas, enas och utbildas tills en fredligare men dock konsekvent, målmedveten och fungerande metod för folkmakt presenterats.

Basically, this whole idea of mine is to break down the power structures of the state and the corporations who rule this world. To take the power back to people where it truly belongs.
It came to me, when I was trying to legitimate different kinds of governments and systems that called themselves liberators of the people, that no elite can ever liberate a people, only people can liberate people. I realized eventually after years of dogmatic thinking and ideological superstition that a minority can never be trusted with the power over a majority without them abusing it. It also came to me that this had been implied all along from all over the world and the movement I were a part of, I had just not seen it.
Today I would like to think that this Utopia, this Ultimate vision of society is somewhat of a fraud when it is used as a reason to singlehandedly decide over people what should or should not be done about things which are noones business to decide but the involved people.

Im talking of what some call Communism.
Yes, it can be seen as an abomination, a disgrace of human kind that can know no limits.
But as a historical movement it is an asset for us who still dreams of a society more equal than the one we live in. If we still are aware of the fact that we are all unique human beings that each has talents of our own but that we are just a PART of a bigger perspective, a collective that includes millions of people around the globe we can in theory be able to make a society without hunger, war and despair work. A world where there are no boundaries for your or my way of life is a place where we are lords of our own destinies, it must consequently be a place where decisions that affects you are taken by you and decisions affecting others are taken by others.

In this sense im also talking more about what some like to call Anarchism.
Anarchy has falsely been accused for wanting to start a world wide war with no teams where the stronger survives and benefits on the weaker.
I say this is false because the meaning of the word anarchy is absence of power.
Since there can be no absence of power as long as we have possessions there are only two logical facts that can derive from this.
Either noone has any possessions or that everyone possess everything together.
Im not the kind of person that would like to abandon the technological landmarks we have won today, neither would I be prepared to abandon the relative welfare the world has achieved for a relative majority, instead I would like to preserve common interest by making it common property.
Im tired of seeing newflashes of people dying in other countries and hear that there is nothing that can be done about it, im tired of seeing wealthy people growing wealthier and poor people not being able to find food or shelter, im tired of seeing chief executives getting a retirement offer that will last longer than the rest of their natural lives while the common guy in that very same company gets half a paycheck and a "good luck" after working there for twenty years of his lifetime.
Im tired of a society that is solemny bent on producing, distributing and consuming for the sake of accumulating wealth for a minority.

I ask why. Why do we let ourselves get fooled and corrupted by these people that only does it to abuse and exploit us?
Media? Do they play a part in this great scheme, this great play for the masses?
I believe they certainly do, and that they do as deliberately and as systematically as the Church did to defend the Nobles and Kings in old days.
What is their instrument of making us obedient then?
Fear, nothing else but fear can make people react the way they do when they are in war, when they deny a hungry soul food, when they say to a man who is about to lose everything he has got due to hugh interest that there is abolutely nothing they can do.
They say: It is just the way things work.
And the way things works in this society is by money and violence, carrot and whip.
Because if all these people did not do all these things they would lose their jobs and have no money or violate the law and become punished.
But one has to ask oneself: Why do these things work? Who runs them?
I say they are runned by us, the only thing that makes us doing them is fear.
It is a common social behaviour among humans still to this day to always follow authorities and that is what makes us less human than the authorities themselves.
The real society of today is not between me and you, its between those who has the cash and the power, that is where our fates are being decided. The struggle for democracy is the struggle for reinstating the humanity in all humans, to make us worthy our title.

Because, if relations between people is what makes up society then society cant just be a way for things to work without any changes since all humans and consequently all relations between all humans developes.
It has been said by many others, Buddha, Einstein, Wittgenstein and Marx being some of them;
Nothing is ever for certain and never stays the same forever, not even society.

But I would like to believe we have the potency of extending this development endlessly, that we can live forever, however that is a completely different story which I wont go into right now.

What needs to be done about the inrighteousness of today is to replace the dominating feeling of fear and absence of power which results in apathy and indifference of human suffering with love and understanding for one another and to make everyone capable and entitled to making their own decision together with those who are affected by the decision.


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