The need for a more humane and ecological approach to problems in our world is of no greater neccessity than now. The world is standing on the brink of destroying itself with us in it and still we have not come up with a solution.
Either we let our emotions get out of hand and wage war based on hatred for our enemies, excused with love for our homeland.
Or we coldly calculate and let logic guide us into "modern" warfare where we wage war for pure benefits.
We need to find the Balance, the perfect coexistence of logic and emotion so that we all, brothers and sisters of Earth, can thrive in peace with ourself and Nature.
The violence and indifference that tears down this society also tears down ourself, it makes us feel that we are born into a world that we are not a part of.
We need to find out exactly where it went wrong and the priorities went haywire, when did wealth become our God and God a figmented imagination?
Since we cant go back in time to readjust our mistakes we just have to use the insight to our present advantage, i.e. to learn from our mistakes.
And time is of the essence since we do not know how long humanity or Earth has left in this wonderful Creation we have been truly blessed with.
How could we ever think that all of this, this magnitude of magnificence, was ever ours to sell?
It is not ours, only what we make of it through the work of our hands and minds is ours to dispose of, but when we have disposed of it is once again property of the Earth, the property of all the unique entities that inhibit this beautiful sphere in the vast darkness of Cosmos.
Cosmos is all about Balance, everywhere nature itself has come up with a way to create equilibrity so that the scale does not tip over to any side. We who indeed are a product of Cosmos are however breaking the Balance and every day we tip yet another scale resulting in extinction of other species, ecological disasters and human suffering, all in vain.
We will have no use of our ability to create (or destroy) or of this planet's assets if we keep up this way of life, change is a neccessity as I've already said.
We have got to relearn alot about the Earth that through generations has gone lost to be able to live of it like humanity of the old days did.
Im not talking about reinstating feudalism or a preindustrial way of production but a more natural way to treat Nature.
To be able to feed our whole population we will need a repatriation of the Earth so that more people can live of the seeds of the land and make us less dependant of technology.
In case of a global disaster the knowledge of how to start over will be crucial to the future survival of Mankind.
The industry and technology we possess is also an issue that has got to be dealt with.
Today it is wealth, technical and economic proggress that is the goal of development, humans are just means.
This pyramid of production must be toppled and reversed.
The Human must be on top of things so that all our means of reproducing our species and living our lives serves us, social, ecological and antropophilical proggress must be of higher priority than our means of existence which is just to preserve something that does not develop.
Or else it all becomes a big meaningless circle leading to, once again, an alienation for our world and isolation from our fellow human beings.
Below I have some poems that I have written in this particular issue and which I now gladly share with you, my brethren.
We have got to learn how to love each other
so that we can give more to one an other.
Not tempt to poison or destroy our brother
becuse we are all descendants from the same mother,
treat your sister fair
and you too will receive care
from those who speak instead of fighting.
The day of this happening
will come from the sky like lightning.
So look to the sky,
from there One sees all
but dont be shy
if you from your brethren receive call
for help since the world needs you to act
there is a reason; no one is exact.
The only way forward in relative safety
is through processes that celebrates diversity
where people help each other out of mental poverty
and make everything everyone's property.
See now, through the holy Trinity,
that this is our kind's destiny.
And when all this, this long struggle is over?
Do not be afraid, all will in real sense be sober
in their being of spirituality
about what is important or not
so that the everlasting unity
the world achieved will not be forgot.
It wont be the end of the world of our receiving,
not reality's stop in our ways to define
but a new way of percieving
waiting down the line.
It began when the universe was young
but wont stop until the sound of conflicts has sung.
Until all strife is brought to a halt
by this gathered will, these creators,
if the system is the soil we are the salt
and our wills are formed by our dictators.
Those who are worthy has the clearence
which opens the door
that leads to control of providence
and an infinity more.
Where are those that defend these rights I defined?
You can see them mistreated and confined.
If society is a stairwell
they are on the floor
looking at you from a living hell
but still trying do more
to improve their situation than we,
some of them even sings the Internationale.
Instead of just watching
help your brethren to a better tomorrow,
start an organizing
instead of being shallow.
Open your eyes and discover the world for what it is
a place where the righteous is punished and the wicked receives bliss.
The neccessity is a change, almost a revolution
that can clear all this spiritual pollution
which twists our mind and heart
and makes angry Swedes yell: Snart!
But the worst possible result
of our way of life is yet to come,
war and annihilation is a cult
that can be ended as easy like chewing gum.
It needs insight and unity
all other attempts will be a futility.
Peace can not be brought by war,
neither can unity or insight.
Peace flows naturally from the inside of our material avatar
and can overcome by you standing up for what's right.
Just listen to the voices that complain
to know what shouldn't be done in vain.
Help those who are said not to belong
in a society where the priorities has gone wrong.
Our solution is spelled respect,
learn it and help us to protect
our independence
against those who profit
so that our governments
gives us their forfeit.
This cause is our task because when in practice
the world would have found the only way to justice.
When my brethren ask how
I ask why the system works and what should be done.
I say to my brethren let us act now
and get those who rule on the run
from the power of the people cause
the power of the people wont stop,
for the people is us
and we must the bubble of ignorance pop.
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